In this exam you are going to create a web application for reviewing video games. Your application must be implemented as a Spring Boot application with JTE as described in class. The application must use a database to store the data, and it must use Spring Data JPA for database access.

The main page of the application lists the games and their average ratings rounded to an integer. For example:

Add Game

Game Rating  
Cyberpunk 2077 9 Review
Twin Mirror N/A Review

Clicking on a game displays the reviews of the game. For example:

Games > Cyberpunk 2077

John (10): Awesome game!!!

Jane (7): Very good game but with lots of bugs.

Note that the numbers in parenthesis are user ratings of the game. Clicking on the Games link should take the user back to the game listing page.

Clicking on Add Game should take the user to a page to add a new game. For example:

Games > Add Game

After a new game is added, the user should be redirected back to the game listing page. The rating field of a newly added game should display "N/A" on the game listing page.

When a user clicks on Review, the application shows a page where the user can enter their review. For example:

Games > Twin Mirror > Review

Your name:

Your rating: 1  10

Note that a user can click on Games to go back to the game listing page, and click on the game name to go to the page showing the reviews of the game. After a review is entered, the user should be redirected to the page showing the reviews of the game.


Last Updated: 11/15/2024 17:00 Views: 851