
Program Mapper Info

Discussion: Info


About JointJS



Option A: React Libraries

For this option, try JointJS.

Option B: Revisit React Arrows

All three seem to do the same thing with similar API. The API seems to have limited support for arrow placement and routing, so it's like to to create a mess when there are many components. Double check the existing code and see if the problem is solvable (given the limitation of the API).

Option C: Re-design without using arrows

Can we redesign the app in a way that it does not need arrows? For example: mouse over a course to highlight its prerequisite and follow-up courses

[Clarify Requirements and Design]

Use cases

A student tries to transfer from ELAC to EE

The student comes to an advisor. The advisor provide a program sheet and program flow chart. The student indicates what courses they have taken in ELAC. The advisor will show the student the courses to take and when they will be offered. Also show them the prereq structure based on the program sheet & flow chart.

Program Mapper (Bakersfield College?)


By the end of this semester, finalize on requirements, design, and libraries to use.

Meeting in the Week of 12/4


Parag, Pooja, Keerthana

Last Updated: 12/07/2023 10:01 Views: 895