Official Installation Guide

Security Configuration

The default MongoDB configuration bind the server to localhost but does not have any security. To enable security:

1. Start MongoDB without security

sudo systemctl start mongod

2. Create an admin user (see Enable Access Control) in mongo shell

use admin
    user: "cysun",
    pwd: "abcd",
    roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, "readWriteAnyDatabase" ]

3. Edit /etc/mongod.conf to add the following:

  authorization: enabled

and to allow remote access, change bindIp to

4. Create additional database and user in mongo shell

use admin
db.auth("cysun", "abcd")
use student
    user: "student",
    pwd: "abcd",
    roles: ["dbOwner"]

Also see mongo.js in cs3-scripts for how to create additional databases/users using MongoDB Node.js client.

Last Updated: 10/26/2020 10:45 Views: 31