Please deploy your application on CS3, and upload all source files to Canvas. The source files should include all the source code, and an HTML file lab9.html which contains a hyperlink to your application on the CS3 server.

With all the online classes these days, it's difficult to keep track of all the Zoom meeting links. In this lab you are going to implement a web application that helps a student to keep track the Zoom links of his or her classes. Your application must use the MVC architecture discussed in class, and in particular:

The main page of the application displays the Zoom links of a selected class. For example:

Add Class

Lecture Delete
Lab Delete

For each class, the application shows the Zoom links of the class. New Zoom links can be added using the form at the bottom of the table. Clicking on a Delete link deletes the corresponding Zoom link from the class.

The application should have one pre-created class "CS3220". Additional classes can be added by clicking on the Add Class link. For example:


Once a class is added, the class can be selected from the dropdown list on the main page and the application will manage the Zoom links for this class.


Last Updated: 10/24/2020 22:23 Views: 418